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Sustainability Report 2015 – 2016​

Sustainability Report 2015 – 2016​

February 14, 2016

Sustainability, in the context of businesses and organizations, refers to the way companies manage their impact on the triple bottom-line of the economy, environment and society, leading to the long-term viability of the organization, the economy in which it operates and the society it serves. At Smart, sustainability is a key component of our business philosophy and comprises four key pillars:​

  • Beyond Short-Term Profits: Creating long-term value through our investments, as well as ensuring inclusivity in our products and services.​
  • Nurturing People: Developing world-class talent built on core values while providing a conducive workplace for creativity and innovation.​
  • Process Excellence: Designing process improvements and governance to ensure greater effectiveness and efficiency in our customer care and internal operations.​
  • Planet and Society: Having initiatives aimed at mitigating our environmental impact and contributing to Cambodian society through corporate social responsibility programs.​

Our Sustainability Report 2015-16 is a restatement of Smart’s long-term commitment towards sustainability while maintaining a high level of performance and achieving our goals.​