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Sustainability Report 2019​

Sustainability Report 2019​

February 06, 2019

Instead of depicting achievements ​in 2019 based on Smart Axiata’s sustainability framework like previous years, the 2019 Sustainability Report, “Enriching Lives, Sustaining Communities”, highlights Smart Axiata’s socio-economic contributions in 2019. The report provides a snapshot of our activities that contributed to the nation-building agenda and clearly illustrates our long-term commitment to creating sustainable impacts that benefit the Kingdom.​

Sustainability has always been key to Smart’s business philosophy. While we continue to be transparent in disclosing our efforts, we have advanced our practices and strengthened our nation-building agenda based on our sustainability framework, in line with that of our shareholder Axiata Group, encompassing elements along four key pillars:​

  • Beyond Short-Term Profits: Creating long-term value through our investments, as well as creating inclusive products and services.​
  • Nurturing People: Developing talents while providing a friendly, productive workplace that encourages creativity and innovation.​
  • Process Excellence: Consistently improving processes to ensure operational excellence and efficiency, with strong governance and accelerated digitization initiatives.​
  • Planet and Society: Implementing initiatives aimed at mitigating environmental impacts and empowering Cambodian society through corporate social responsibility programs.​
For more information:​ Access Highlights or Downlaod Report